The Value of Our Dreams
It’s time I mention another part of our story. It’s not of something I did, but rather something I didn’t do. This week we’ve shared our experience working with a life coach and the impact that’s had on how we are currently living out our dreams and our values. But the rest of that story is about the coaching journey I didn’t take.
Let me explain.
In 2016, a friend who is a professional coach offered a complimentary session which I eagerly took up the offer. It was in that session I said out loud for the first time that I wanted to start a blog. I could feel the power of speaking my tightly held dream into existence. I felt like I was able to dig down deep, find those buried aspirations, and pull them up to the surface. I left feeling inspired to launch a blog, which I did—two years after I first breathed life into that dream.
See, I didn’t sign on to work with that coach beyond the first session. It had nothing to do with time or money—I never even asked what it would cost. In fact, the thought honestly never even crossed my mind. I think at the time I was still of the mindset that if you want something done, then just do it. Which I did, it just took me some time. I think I was also still of the belief that I could just get to things when I get to them. At the time, I didn’t know how to make the things I wanted to do a priority. I didn’t know how to place value on what I knew was my purpose and passion.
As we’ve been sharing, Brandon was at a point in his life where he was feeling trapped and dissatisfied. He had a vision of the life he wanted us to have, and I knew he needed a way to bring that vision into focus. While it had been four years since the first time I was introduced to coaching, I knew that was the one thing that could help him discover what he was truly longing to do. It was my encouragement that led him to reach out to this coach because I knew the power wrapped up in voicing that vision.
Within the first year of Brandon working with a coach, we paid off all our debt, sold a car, sold our house, moved across the country, and started the next chapter of our lives in the mountains of North Carolina. What we had not managed to achieve on our own up to that point, and what we thought would take us until retirement age to do, we did in less than a year. We had laser focus, we had momentum, and we had the belief that what we wanted to do was worth doing.
Now, I don’t believe in “what-ifs” or regrets, but there are times I can’t help but think about the momentum that didn’t exist when we were plugging away on our own.
What I do believe in is “what are you going to do now?”
I have learned our dreams are always worth it, and they are worth it now. The truth is, our dreams deserve to be shared and nurtured. We all have gifts worth giving and living out. The truth is, we could wait until someday or we could do something right now.
It is this belief that led us to becoming Certified Professional Coaches. I am grateful we now have the opportunity to partner with others who are ready to cast their vision and to create the life they have been called to live!
There is no way to know what would have happened had we invested in our dreams and gained that momentum sooner rather than later. What I do know is how grateful I am for where our lives are today. I am grateful for our journey and the things we get to do now!