Everyone at Everything
We’re often asked what are things that we did to raise kids to turn out like the ones we have? How did we cultivate the family culture that we have? Why are our family dynamics the way they are?
There is certainly not a single answer, and I’m not so sure there’s some secret recipe. But something Opal and I mention time and time again is that we all attend everything. For as long as our kids have been involved in things, we have all ALWAYS attended their events together as a family. Every single one of us. Every single time.
As a result, our kids have had a guaranteed support system there for them at every single event in which they performed or completed. It didn’t matter if it was a football game, band concert, cheer competition, or school play. They knew they could look out into the audience and see at least six of us out there in attendance for no reason other than supporting them and their team or band or cast or whatever.
For our kids in the stands, it taught them to cheer for that kid, to root for that kid, to support that kid. And more than anything, it taught them that family comes before all else.
This weekend, we have the fortune of having Sebastian’s girlfriend, Jo, in town to visit, as well. So, last night at Olivia’s homecoming game, she had seven of us in the stands cheering her on as she cheered on her Smoky Mountain High School Mustangs!
As a family who values family more than anything, this is a big part of our Unbinded Life. To us, this is just how we roll!