His First Car
And we talked about how we are now different, how we now make different decisions, and how we are teaching our kids to make different, better decisions, too.
Reducing Expenses
For us, it’s now almost like a game…we look around asking ourselves what can we eliminate? What expense can we lower? Are there more things we can do without?
The Good Budget Meeting
Get your budget meeting on the calendar just like you would any other commitment you are serious about attending.
Working Patience
We had to be patient while also putting in the time. We had to be patient even when we wanted to give up.
It's Not About the Toaster
Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up in the way we think things should be, or the way we think things should be done, that we allow that to stop us from doing anything at all.
Time Versus Money
It was in these moments we discovered that when posed with the question of what we value most—time or money—we wished we could have said, “time.” But we looked around and realized that was not the life we were living.
The Debt Taking Up Our Time
But we truly can’t simplify our lives without addressing how the burden and sheer volume of mounting debt consumes our time and keeps us from living the life we really want to live.
The Space Taking Up Our Time
Our homes and amount of square footage we purchase--along with the cost to fill, maintain, and upkeep it--consumes our time.
Having Less to Have More
Whether it is buying the things, storing the things, sorting the things, or even purging the things, we have found that by having less we are getting more of what we really want, which is more TIME!
The "Things" Taking Up Our Time
We also talk about one of our favorite gifts to give...and it's not one more "thing!"
The Value of Time
In this episode and in our quest to live a simple life, we talk about the value of time and question the things we allow to take up our time--such as the number of our things, the size of our homes, and the amount of our debt.
I Want To Say Yes
How do we ensure we are saying yes to what God truly intends for us to do?
Normal Wasn't Working
In this video message and our quest to live a simple life, we question how do we go back to things being normal when "normal" wasn't working for us.
Tired of the "Busyness"
I don’t want my kids to think leaving home in the dark to return in the dark is a goal worth achieving.
Discovering the Core Truth
How do we live a simple life and remove all the "busy-ness" that has been weighing us down.
The Things We Are Looking For
As I found solace in this quiet, cleaned out space, I couldn’t help but think about areas in my life that could use some rearranging as well.
Our Church Pew
There is no doubt we are facing times none of us could have ever imagined.
But we are also faced with some new opportunities.