
Last weekend, Brandon and I facilitated a weekend-long retreat for a North Carolina statewide society. The group wants to move forward and to take on larger scale projects but was in need of strategic direction to identify their goals and to set their course. We were happy to be a small part of the wonderful things they can accomplish over the next five years.

The retreat was not only valuable for the participants, but it was incredibly valuable for me and Brandon as well. See, for several years Brandon and I worked together in schools—teacher, administrator, professional development coordinator, superintendent—and we loved the work we were doing. More importantly, we loved that we got to do it together. We would dream of continuing that work somehow long into the future, but we didn’t know exactly what that would look like.

We see now those dreams are coming to fruition. We have been writing together and building our coaching practice together and this past weekend we added to that list.

For weeks, Brandon and I planned and mapped out how we would lead this group. We shared ideas, charted it out on big chart paper in our kitchen, and designed the activities we would use. Throughout the retreat, we bounced back and forth, took turns facilitating the group, and ultimately had the most fun.

At the end, I told Brandon our entire careers have led us to this. Led us to working together, led us to leading others, led us to blurring the lines between how we work and how we live. Unbinded Life and all its parts are what we’ve been called to and what God has been preparing us to do.

We’ve said it before and we will say it again, we are grateful for the path we are on and all the ways God continues to reveal this life to us!


What Do You Want?

