Growing Dreams

Today, I fulfilled a dream I didn’t even know I had.

You see, anyone who knows me or has ever lived nearby knows I’m the Christmas light guy. Every Christmas season, we put tens of thousands of classic white lights on the outside of our house, and Opal has shared here the countless Christmas trees that adorn every room of our home. That is a dream of mine fulfilled as well, but that’s a dream I was well aware of—a dream that we’ve had for many years.

But today, well, today’s dream was one I didn’t know until recently I even had. Several months back, I was sharing with a friend that I wish there was some way I could grow my own Christmas trees to harvest for our home each year. He excitedly shared he had a similar wish AND that he happened to have prior experience growing Christmas trees for a commercial farmer years ago.

So, fast forward to today. My buddy and I repotted 50 North Carolina Fraser Firs. They’re one-year-old seedlings, and it’s our plan to pick the cream of the crop to put in the ground next year. And if you know anything about growing Christmas trees, I’ll be putting a new crop in the ground each year for the next several years.

So, come this time next year, I hope to have the start of our family’s very own mini tree farm in our backyard. I already have the perfect spot picked out, and I can’t wait till the day the rows of our future Christmas trees are wrapped in a white picket fence.

Now, I certainly wouldn’t call me a farmer. But I guess you can call me a dreamer! And that’s the part I love the most of this Unbinded Life. Three years ago, we gave ourselves permission to dream and to dream big. And, well, why stop there? Dreaming is something we might have always done, but doing…doing is something that we’re getting used to!




Dating Again