Living Out Our Dreams

It is no secret the role meeting with a Life Coach has played in our story. We are always amazed looking back at just how things have unfolded over the years.

I first met with a Life Coach in 2016. I already knew her but I didn’t know exactly what a Life Coach was or did. She made a post on Facebook about offering complimentary coaching sessions. I was excited to take her up on the offer and I was equally excited to learn what would come of our time together. It was in that initial meeting that I said out loud for the first time, “I want to be a writer.” We spent the rest of our time discussing what that would look like and how I could get started.

For two years I wrote—in a notebook. Finally, in 2018, I launched my first blog where I published much of what I had written over the previous two years. I loved writing and interacting with the readers and I knew I was answering the call that was placed on my heart. I kept that up until 2020 when Brandon joined me as a writer on the blog and we rebranded it Unbinded Life. This little blog right here is just what I first dreamed about back in 2016 when I finally said the words out loud that would eventually bring this into existence. The time I spent with that coach literally changed my life’s course and has brought me so much joy.

By early 2020, Brandon and I had been talking about the things in our life that just were not working. We were talking about the changes we wanted to make, but we didn’t even know where to start. We had checked every box and were left unhappy and dissatisfied. I told him I didn’t have the answers, but I knew how we could figure it out—and I told him to call our friend, the Life Coach, and to schedule an appointment.

He started meeting with her in February of 2020. In their sessions together, he was able to reach deep down inside his heart and rediscover the life he had always dreamed of living. He was able to share these things with me and together we began to redesign the way we saw our future. We decided we were going to live a life based on the things we value most. By the end of that year, we had sold our house in the suburbs of Austin, bought a 115-year-old house in the mountains of North Carolina, and have been living out our vision ever since.

We know first hand the power each of us possess when it comes to designing a life and living out our dreams. We also know what it’s like to have those dreams buried so deep inside of us that they become hard to find. We will always treasure the work we did with a Life Coach that allowed us to find our vision, say it out loud, and then take the steps to make it happen.

As part of our life redesign, Brandon and I both became Certified Professional Coaches. We took on a rigorous one-year certification program before launching our coaching practice last year. We absolutely treasure the work we do with our clients when it comes to partnering with them on their own journeys. We know each of us have that something we want to do, that small tugging at our hearts, that “I’ll do it someday” that keeps us up at night. We have followed our calling to help others bring that small voice to life.


Finding the Answers


Drawn to Home