Our Daily Bread
You know, it’s ironic, that we often find ourselves in the pursuit of happiness, when happiness was never something we were promised, or even something we were told we should expect.
To the Dads
I see the dads. The selfless, hard-working, tired, fun, loving, strong, gentle dads.
After marking off the days on the calendar, here we are…it’s finally summer. We are one week in…and I am about to pull my hair out!
Love Is Waiting
One day I thought, love is WAITING. Like, “love is patient, love is kind”…love is waiting.
To Every Mom
I am grateful to all of the women who have mothered me over the years. Women who have held me, consoled me, led me, taught me. They are each instrumental in who I am today.
There Is A Season
I remember days feeling like I didn’t sign up for this. Days thinking we must have made some wrong turn. Days wondering how long this would last and if we could make it out and make things better.
What We Find
I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we think we know will happen, that we forget to find hope in the things that could be.
Work In Progress
The truth is, there’s always something to be grateful for, something that is a gift, something that is more than we deserve.
Apples and Potatoes
And that’s just it. Parenting doesn’t always go the way we think it’s going to go. Like usually ever.
For Good Measure
For every little tee-tiny, otherwise unnoticeable thing I do, it’s like a special little gift I am giving without anyone even knowing.
What Did You Do Right?
And that is what I have to say to each and every one of you taking time out of your crazy busy life to read this here and now…it’s ok. Whatever it is, wherever you are, whatever you did or did not do today…it’s ok.
You Can't Be Happy
It is when I become happy with who I am and what I am doing that I can open the door to doing anything else.
The Day I Met JBH
So for now, I am writing and posting and hoping and praying and holding fast to a vision where I can continue to share and connect with other people.
Markers and Mascara
I sometimes wish they would put on a princess fashion show just one more time, or they would draw pictures and make messes with their paints just one more time.
How Do You Know?
The truth is, it’s those yucky, sucky, nose-goes moments that show you what true love really is.
The Unexpected
The first lesson learned here is things never go as expected. The second lesson is don’t stick your fingers in between the open oven door and the oven, even if all you want to do is clean out those pesky crumbs.
What We Say to Ourselves
I am learning that one of, if not the most, powerful voices in my ear is most often ME.