Family Football
Days like today make us grateful for where we live and the opportunity to embrace our community.
We absolutely love spending quality one-on-one time with our kids and are so grateful we embraced experiences as gifts a number of years ago!
Hell of a Year
And although this year has been one for the books, we are grateful for nights like last night.
Each What They Need
...abandoning the one-size-fits-all approach and ensuring that each one of our children is given what they specifically need.
Mother's Day, Father’s Day, a random Tuesday, it doesn’t matter, I think this is what parenting and family is all about—taking care of each other however and whenever.
Finding the Answers
What we learned is that we all really do know what it is we want in life, but we get scared, we get comfortable, we even get lost. But we know now that if we take the time and ask the right questions, the right answers will rise up to the surface every single time.
Living Out Our Dreams
We will always treasure the work we did with a Life Coach that allowed us to find our vision, say it out loud, and then take the steps to make it happen.
Drawn to Home
It’s kinda funny how God just makes these things happen. And it’s kinda funny when you know in the deepest part of your heart what you’re being called to do.
Growing Dreams
Now, I certainly wouldn’t call me a farmer. But I guess you can call me a dreamer!
Dating Again
We both wanted something different. We both longed to be the kids who fell in love so many years ago.
When Life Gets Hard
What we learned is that when we can be open and honest, whatever we are going through seems to be not so bad.
Christmas Lights
It’s about Christmas being a gift to each of us and then sharing that gift with others.
Small “Yeses”
As I watch the leaves slowly change color, I am reminded of how important change can be.